julho 20, 2014


Olhando uma revista antiga encontrei uma reportagem sobre nossas emoções. E lá tinha mencionando que para a pessoa estar realmente bem (feliz etc) tem que ter 3x mais sentimentos positivos do que negativos no seu dia. Aí fui no Dr.Google que me levou ao PositivityRatio. É um livro e tal, mas o legal é que tem um teste e eu ADORO testes.

Você responde sobre o grau de intensidade de diversos sentimentos nas últimas 24h
Meu resultado:

Your Positivity Scores for today

Your Positivity Score for today is: 7.
Your Negativity Score for today is: 4.
Your Positivity Ratio for today is: 1.75.

How to interpret your score:

Dr. Fredrickson’s research indicates that a positivity ratio of 3 to 1 is a tipping point. This ratio divides those who merely get by in life from those who truly flourish. If you scored below 3-to-1, you’ve got plenty of company! With more than 80% of U.S. adults falling short of Positivity's 3-to-1 prescription, there’s immense room for improvement in the ways many of us live. Positivity shows you how to tap into your hidden emotional potential to achieve a flourishing life.
Keep in mind that – by nature’s design – your emotions change moment-by-moment in step with how you make sense of your ever-changing circumstances. This means that the ratio you obtain for today may or may not represent your life more generally. To gain a more reliable picture of your positivity ratio, Barb recommends you take this same short survey each evening for two weeks.

Fiquei com vontade. Vou fazer essa bagaça durante 2 semanas.

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